Friday 12 August 2016

Week 6

Picture a day of Lateral Thinking 

                                Luminous Callidus Spiritus

This piece of work has an interesting of philosophical concept of Emergentism, which explores the emergence of the new and unexpected properties irreducible to interactions and between parts of a system. The flowers has an translucent shells, as the lights of the pulsating clusters can shine through them causing a radiation of shadows and brightness. The wires are connected to flowers to flowers that lead me to think of it gives a sense of calmness and rising from a dark place to a beauty. I wonder if the flowers can be opened and closed automatically and how the names came about.

                               Ultima Mudfox

This work comes from an inspiration of a dolphin, that glides unencumbered through the mud. The first time I saw this, I thought it was a fish called the "white sturgeon" because of its fin. The blue led light generates the flow of movement and the fin switch its position very slowly. I think this art work is to deliver a message to plausibility of the existence of these wondrous creatures.

                                            Alfredo & Isabel Aquilizan: Passage III; Project Another Country

I think it resembles a shanty town perched unsteadily on a wooden boat, suggesting the precocity of homes and of ''home''. Which it consist small houses overcrowding on a boat. I think it resembles new beginning to a new journey in our life. I wonder if it does have other meanings like the boat to a specific place to a complex emotions arising from social dislocation.


This artwork emphasis the Kepler-22b, a planet some 600 light years from Earth, which has an mirror image of earth in an crucial way. As the window is rotated with each viewing, these liquid substances reform the landscape within the frame. The sand in the water looks like mountains of a portrait drawing. 

This table has a contour line under a sheet of glass, in the middle of the table with sands on the bottom. That lead me to think of  walking among the rocks of cliff in the dessert. Thus giving a sense of dry and humid atmosphere. I wonder how this table are made.  


During the communication workshop I had learnt about the communication skills of art that how me present it in the way to express ourselves and deliver the message or knowledge to the people. This is one of the mind map that our group did. That is about the causes of unsuccessful presentation. So to me, to specify a clearer explanation about the lesson, I feel the same thing that communication is a form of art as we have to perform on stage by using our body language, communication and fecal  expression that catch the attention to the listeners. it is important to apply these skills to anywhere we go. I wonder if  it can change a persons thoughts and creativity in arts or maybe able to speak fluently and confident in anything we want to accomplish.


On my trip to shopping mall, I came across the lobby and saw this dream world classic design filled with lots of reflective accessories and fixture. The first that caught my eyes is the pool and the fountain of glass cup, lady in blue dressers (mannequin) in the boat then followed by the hanging lights that looks like jellyfishes swimming in the open sea. That lead me to think of a amusement park that are filled with many facilities that you can play. Especially the pool that looks a merry-go-round from its shimmered colors and display of  the boat. The boat looks like an banana and a smile by its shape of the pointed tip. That leads me to wonder  why is it not other themes that u can think of , like Charlie and the Chocolate  Factories theme as the design which also can produce a similar feel.

Mind map on " How education leads to a happy life"

This is our second project that we need to find out ''how education leads to a happy life.'' When I think of the question, the first thoughts that comes in mind is ''health'' because a health lifestyle helps you to perform to your best of your ability whether is in school or working. You don't have to worry about unafford to pay your school fees as medicals fees cost a bomb in Singapore. As for me, I wrote it down in my sketch in point form so that its well organised and easier to read. 

The bee quiz

Imagine this room, the window on the at the back is open. In front of the window there is a table with a vase, in which a fresh rose stands. A painting of flowers hangs on the opposite wall (at the whiteboard area) A bee flies into the room through the open window, straight to the painting and not the rose. WHY?!?

My Answers are:
  • There are more flowers on the painting compared to the one on the table.
  • Honey spilled onto the painting that attract the bee.
  • The bee is cant differentiate the painting and the real one.  
  • The painting are too realistic
  • The flowers in the paintings have more vibrant colors that makes it look tasty. 


 I have learn that it is important to think broader will help us to make thing more specific instead of one route. 

Activities In Class 

On Friday, our class gets to try out, to solve the problems of using four straight lines to connect the nine dots without overlapping the line on the same line. It was hard as I need to think out of the box.

Boxing up to the jointing dots, criss-cross, zig-zag... I tried hard using many ways to solve it, after trying the several time, I still can't get the answers.

 These are the two examples


I finally understand, I start the first line out of the nine dots to connect them together using the criteria given.  The most important tricks is to think out of the box.

Puzzle 2

Forming an triangle that can be rearranged up and down to form a triangle. After trying all the methods I finally got it. 

Puzzle 3

Continuous lines without breaking it or overlapping the line. 

After trying many time , the lines still overlap many times. Which I can't still find an answer.


I have learn that anything is possible we need to think out of the box without setting an limits to our work. So that this is how creativity comes in.

Friday 5 August 2016

Week 5

Mind map on Punks

On Friday, we have a presentation to do in class for our project. It was atrocious as we did not plan and discuss properly as a group. Because we are unsure of the instructions given and no one stand up to ask. I felt ashamed and disappointed of myself, so decided to make a first step to ask and to write down the information of the research on a piece of paper. As the result, things becomes better. So we split the jobs to my teammates. In doing a research it helped on mind mapping and understand the topic better on how punks came about, from US spread to UK and Australia since 1970, and how it affect the society. How's the impression given by the people, those are the important parts to consider too.  

 Mind map on picture a day


The Marina Bay Sands building resemble the ship that was placed on the three rows of racks.The three hotels has the shapes of the Chinese word " " from the side view. That lead me to wonder of three man carrying the boat. I am also curious of how it was built since tower is not straight.


Garden by the Bay is the tropical garden in Singapore which is on of the enormous garden in Singapore. On its outer shape of the sea shell looking shape that have repetition of progressive curved lines surrounding it, that resemble a current waves. That lead me to think of  the fast moving waves that are coming continuously. I wonder how much capacity of the illumine can hold that are filled with tropical plantations.  


Some people say it looks like a hand but I have a different thoughts of it as its more to a lotus that symbolizes hope, beauty and rebirth. The petal form with layers that superposition to each other in an progressive manner, that forms in a round quantity.

It lead me to think of how is it able to stand stably with a small proportion, on a rounded surface with only a few beans and lobby to support the upper part. I wonder if the anchors would have more petals that enhance a more blossomy and massive look, around the middle base that stimulates people attentions and becomes a focal point of the buildings. 


The National Stadium looks like a turtle shell that has an semi-circle of its shape. The stadium features a domed roof structure with a retractable roof .The lowest tier has mechanized and automated retractable seating configurations.I think if its possible that the top layer of the two panel would automatically open up when the sports or events are held. That lead me to wonder of a turtle herniating inside its shell for many years.

                                                                       Indoor Stadium

The first time I saw this building, it looks like a volcano, mountain and barnacles. This building was right beside the National Stadium. It is design by a Japanese architecture named Kenzo Tange. It has an four triangular shape ceiling with a long strip of rectangles at the edge that comes in an unity, to form a square. I wonder if this architect building design is inspired from the nature.

Every year during the hungry ghost festival, lots of joss paper will be burned inside the burning bin on on the floor that causes lots of ashed floating around and causing the air pollution. That lead me to think if there is a way to prevent this from happening. 
I wonder I there is a machine, like a vacuum machine that can suck up all the ash ,dust and smoke that are placed on the burning bin that reduce less pollution. 


Finally, I am back home. I saw this beautiful sunset where the some clouds blocked the sun but I can still see yellow and orange light coming through the clouds.That looks like a lava and scattering violet and blue clouds that looks like piles and piles of wet sand. That lead me to wonder walking on a sandy beach. In my opinion, I never thought of the skies changes that fast everyday, that why time fly's.

Amy Tan- TED Talk


I have learnt that small things can give us the inspiration through our daily lives and how we modify the things to become a more functional product that makes our life easier, by not setting our limits that lead us to think over head of impossible things to possible. To upgrade our thoughts and ideas while we are doing it, at the same new things will come up to our mind.

Week 4

STW-Picture a day

Top Interior by Taiwan Interior and Architect Company. Ltd. Ptd

I found a book on top interior and saw this interesting design of the hanging fixtures cluttering thin and fine metal strip that looks like the a bunch of hair that has tangled up. I wonder it resemble the smoke or a dark cloud.

This is another interesting design from the book it has a wave looking of the ceiling with many layers coming down to the wall. I wonder if the shapes of the ceiling resembles wall resembles the surface of a rock.


It's my first time to Bedok reservoir and I didn't notice it is such an wonderful place filled with lively atmosphere. The water is clean and clear and I can hear birds cheeping in the sky. There is lots of trees along the sides of the sandy path way. It was a 15 minutes walk from my home to there and I didn't released it was that near from home.

  View from high ground


 The vast pond from this view resemble a scene of a mangrove swamp.I wonder what is that pile of sands doing there and it has left there for decades of years. It lead me to think if there a cement factory nearby.

I realized the security camera with a solar panel on top of the post. I never seen this kind of design before as we usually see the solar system placed on the rooftop. The security camera looks a Venus fly trap ( a plant that capture insects). It lead me to wonder if it's located here as this spot has direct sunlight.

On the jetty bridge I saw there is a row of seats and plantation at the back of it in the middle of the open space.That lead me to think if who would want to seat under the hot sun during the day. I wonder if the shelters can be built on that area to keep away from direct sunlight.

On the log, I saw a trail of ants crawling back to its nest they seems to be cooperative and orderly back to their nest that lead me to think of watermelon seeds as its black and small. It also looks like a group of army launching off for battle. That makes me wonder if humans were to be like ants, cooperative and helpful.

Tony Fadell Secret of Great Design 


Tony Fadell talks about the first secret of great design of why do we get used to everyday things. Human beings have limited brain power and it encode the everyday things we do in to habitats in order to free up space to learn new things.The process is called habituation and it's the most basic ways, as humans , we learn. Habituation is not always bad because we can adapt to the environment or the things we do, as the day goes by. If we our drains don't get habituated, we would noticed  every little details that would be exhausting and no time to learn about new things. But sometimes habituation can be bad, if we stop noticing the problems around us. 

Which stops us from noticing and fixing those problems. It is easier to solve problems that almost everyone sees rather then solving problems that almost no one sees. We see the invisible problems not just obvious problems that's important. 

Before we can solve invisible problems, we need to feel and see them and it's basically about neuroscience or psychology. To fight habituation we need to look broader, when we're tackling a problem, sometimes, there are lot of steps that lead up to that problem or a lot of steps after it. If we can take a step back and look broader, maybe we can change some of those boxes, before the problems to combine them or remove them together to achieve better solutions. 

Secondly it's to look closer that focus on those tiny details the one we may not see to improvise on our thinking and ideas last but not least, we have to think younger is to expose  to something, the more we get used to it, As for kids run into problems, they immediately try to solve them and sometimes they find a better solutions. And that solutions really is better. 

We need young people in our teams or people with young minds because they cause everyone to think younger. We see the world clearly for the first time, before our lifetime of habits got in the way. It is important to get back there to feel that frustration to look in  little details, to look broader, closer and to think younger to stay as a beginners.It's difficult, as it requires us pushing back against one of the most basic ways we make sense of the world.


It is important to think broader, younger and to look closer as these three main topics lead us to become a more detailed person and think wider to make life interesting and easier for us to do things. As a designer or creator, they have to look into small details and comes out with an solutions when problems are highlighted, to produce an faster, easier products for us.